Legacy Planning — For You, and For Your Family

Legacy planning is a financial strategy of passing on your assets to your loved ones, next of kin or your favorite charity. To ensure your assets are distributed in the future as you desire, planning must be done on your behalf today.

A JMR advisor will help you reach a level of financial security that will allow you to live a comfortable lifestyle and accumulate wealth to leave as part of your legacy. In order to leave a legacy, you must first be able to build or amass such a legacy.

As part of this planning process we will meet with you to determine your goals and objectives. To ensure clear communication, it is recommended that those parties that are to receive part of the legacy be involved in these planning meetings as well. To ensure your wishes are followed, these legacy preferences should then be put in writing, such as in a will.

A key aspect of legacy planning is to limit or reduce any income tax liabilities that might arise as a result of these legacy distributions. Our financial advisors will work with our in-house tax experts to arrive at the most tax efficient process to distribute your legacy. We know you have worked hard to build this legacy. We will work just as hard to help preserve your assets and distribute the funds according to your objectives.

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