Annual Investment Reviews at JMR Financial Group

An annual investment review is an opportunity to revisit your financial goals and circumstances to ensure you are still on track to reach your goals. As the world constantly changes around us, it’s increasingly important to revisit and revise your financial plan to make sure it aligns with your current financial goals and objectives.

During your yearly investment review, it is also a good time to discuss necessary changes to your risk tolerance, asset allocation, or tax planning strategy.

Your annual investment review is also the perfect chance for you to re-evaluate your goals, adjust your investment strategies, or take care of general housekeeping that could cost you if left ignored. JMR Financial Group will help you through the entire process to determine:

    • Have your savings goals or priorities changed?
    • Have your investments changed?
    • Is your estate planning up to date?
    • Are your insurance needs and beneficiaries the same?
    • Are you paying too much in taxes?
    • …and more.

No matter your situation—starting a family, buying a new home, saving for your child’s education, saving for retirement, or already retired—your annual investment review is an important check-in that should not be missed. You’ll have the opportunity to revisit your savings goals, changes to your investment portfolio, examine strategies to reduce your overall tax liability, make updates to your most important documents, and stay confident about your financial security.

Plus, it’s always a great idea to review your beneficiary designations for your various investment and insurance policies annually as well. Please contact us to schedule your review. We proudly serve Superior, WI, Duluth, MN, and the entire Twin Ports.

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